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Go Fund Me - ACADES

As you know, Project Malawi is closely tied to ACADES, an agribusiness that

provides loans and agricultural education to young people in rural areas of Malawi. Therefore, our mission focuses on helping them accomplish their mission of spurring economic development for youth farmers.

Unfortunately, the rise of COVID-19 cases and the mandated restrictions in Malawi have drastically altered the delivery of education services and in person training for the 3,000 members of ACADES. As a result, ACADES must increasing the number of smaller group trainings and working to improve mobility for their farmers, while also combatting the rising cost of agricultural goods.

These adjustments to promote the wellbeing, health, and safety of their members, has proven to be quite costly. Thus, with the help of Katelynn Samuelsen, Project Malawi has initiated a Go Fund Me fundraiser to support ACADES as they continue to implement their COVID-19 response program and promote the success of their farmers.

We hope to raise $3,000 to assist in covering a portion of COVID-19 response costs and increase the loan amounts to adopt more farmers into the program.

We ask you to kindly donate and share the post with family and friends, anything helps. The link to donate can be found below.

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